Bhíomar san Astráil! Screen Forever ar an Gold Coast a bhuíochas le Screen Producers Ireland agus Screen Producers Australia.
Míle buíochas #SCREENFOREVER don chraic is don chomhoibriú an tseachtain seo le daoine iontacha cruthaitheacha as Éirinn, an Astráil agus ar fud an domhain.
Bhí ár n-am le laochra “Bondi Rescue”, agus ár gcomhráití leis an duine uasal, ionsparáideach Magda Szubanski ó “Babe” agus “Kath & Kim” ar chuid de na buaicphointí!
Agus tréaslaímid le gach buaiteoir ag Gradaim Screen Producers Australia. A leithéid de chlabhsúr don tseachtain!
We're in Australia! Screen Forever on the Gold Coast with thanks to Screen Producers Ireland and Screen Producers Australia. Thank you #SCREENFOREVER for the craic and collaboration this week with some amazing creatives from Ireland, Australia and worldwide.
Meeting the producers of the legendary “Bondi Rescue”, plus great chats with the inspiring and charming Magda Szubanski from “Babe” and “Kath & Kim” were just a couple of highlights!
And well done to all the incredible winners at the Screen Producers Australia Awards. What a great high to end the week on!