Ár léirithe i Londain agus i mBaile Átha Cliath de “Lily and Lolly: The Forgotten Yeats Sisters”
Nilimid ach díreach leandálta sa bhaile tar éis dhá oíche iontach i Londain agus BÁC le réamh-thaispeáint de “Lily and Lolly: The Forgotten Yeats Sisters”.
Buíochas ó chroí leis an London Irish Centre as an bhfáile a chuireadar romhainn, agus le Rhianna Dillon a bhí i bhfeighil an Q&A le Imelda May agus Maggie Breathnach.
Buíochas freisin le Screen Producers Ireland as tacú linn leis an réamh-thaispeáint a eagrú i bPictiúrlann an Light House i mBÁC, áit a raibh foireann, criú agus lucht tacaíochtra an scannáin i láthair. Ní raibh bealach ar bith ní b’fhearr le ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar Lá Idirnáisiúnta na mBan!
Míle buíochas ó chroí le gach éinne a tháinig - táimid fós ar bís toisc na rudaí iontacha go léir a bhí le rá agaibh faoi! Our London and Dublin screenings of “Lily and Lolly: The Forgotten Yeats Sisters”
Our feet are only back on the ground after two fabulous evenings in London and Dublin for advance screenings of “Lily and Lolly: The Forgotten Yeats Sisters”.
Thanks to The London Irish Centre for having us, and to Rhianna Dillon for hosting a wonderful Q&A with Imelda May and Maggie Breathnach.
Thanks also to Screen Producers Ireland for hosting us at Dublin’s Light House cinema for an additional screening, attended by cast, crew and supporters of the film. What a great way to spend International Women’s Day!
Míle buíochas ó chroí to everyone who came along - we are so buzzing from all the fabulous feedback!

supported by: Sky Arts Tourism Ireland London Irish Centre Screen Producers Ireland Light House Cinema