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Ger Pender

Bainisteoir Oifige |
Office Manager

Ger Pender

Tá cúlra láidir ag Ger in eagrú ócáidí, i mbainistíocht oifige, riarachán agus pleanáil.

D’oibrigh sí cheana mar Bhainisteoir Féile leis an West Waterford Festival of Food agus bhí postanna aici freisin mar bhainisteoir/riarthóir oifige agus mar bhainisteoir ócáide.

Ón tSean Phobal sna Déise dí agus is ann atá conaí uirthi faoi láthair, ach d’oibrigh sí cheana i mBaile Átha Cliath, Port Láirge, Oman agus Qatar.

Ó thosnaigh sí le Red Shoe Productions i mí Eanair 2021, tá Ger tar éis oibriú ar léiriúcáin mar 'Imeall', 'Fleadh Cheoil', 'Christmas in Ireland with Imelda May and Friends', 'Bláth na hAoise' agus le déanaí ar 'Lily & Lolly: The Forgotten Yeats Sisters'.


Ger has a strong background in event organisation, office management, administration and planning. 

She has previously worked as a Festival Manager with the West Waterford Festival of Food and has held various office manager/administration and event management roles. 

She currently resides in An Sean Phobal, which is located in the Waterford Gaeltacht, but has previously lived and worked in Dublin, Waterford City, Oman and Qatar. 

Since commencing with Red Shoe Productions in January 2021, Ger has worked on a number of Red Shoe productions including 'Imeall', 'Fleadh Cheoil', 'Christmas in Ireland with Imelda May and Friends', 'Blath na hAoise' and most recently 'Lily & Lolly: The Forgotten Yeats Sisters'.

© 2019 Red Shoe Productions | Baile na nGall Mór, An Rinn, Dún Garbhán, Co. Port Láirge, X35 FC24 | +353 (0)58 46788 | Ireland  

Website Design by Clara Dudley
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