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SKY ARTS, 2022

Rinneadh scannánú ar an gclár speisialta ceoil seo in Eaglais an Pepper Canister i gcroílár cheantar Seoirseach Bhaile Átha Cliath. Tugann Imelda May cuireadh dá clann is dá cairde ceiliúradh ceolmhar a dhéanamh ar an Nollaig, le ceol traidisiúnta chomh maith le fuaimeanna agus glórtha comhaimseartha nua.

Léiríodh an clár seo chun ‘Busk Bliantúil Oíche Nollag’ ar Shráid Ghrafton a cheiliúradh os comhair lucht éisteachta beo. Sa Sky Original seo tá dreasanna cáiliúla Nollag ann mar “The Wexford Carol” agus “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” agus i dteannta Imelda May ar stáitse tá leithéidí Glen Hansard, Jack Lukeman, Loah, Hawke The Band agus a lán eile nach iad.

Sa lucht féachana bhí aíonna ón Dublin Simon Community a bhí ar tí tabhairt faoi shéasúr dúshlánach, gnóthach Nollag eile. Toisc iad a bheith i láthair, bhrath an lucht féachana suntas na hoíche mar ócáid chroíúil, flaithiúil, agus an teachtaireacht lárnach á thabhairt dúinn ‘teacht le chéile le cineáltas um Nollaig’. Tá cuspóir coinsiasach ag an léiriúchán seo, thar an gnáth cheolchoirm Nollag.

Idir na míreanna áille ceoil sa chlár, déanann Sharon Corr an dán “A Christmas Childhood” le Patrick Kavanagh a aithris, agus tugann laoch ós na Dubliners, John Sheahan, dán dúinn a chum sé féin faoi dhraíocht na Nollag sa bhaile. Seinneann sé leagan speisialta den “Marino Waltz” dúinn freisin, i dteannta a iníne, Ceoladh agus Séamus agus Caoimhe Uí Fhlatharta, agus an cruitire, Cormac De Barra.

Ón stáitsiú galánta, ildaite go ceol faoi choinnle lasta - thug an clár seo spiorad chroíúil na Nollag chuig an lucht féachana sa bhaile. 


Filmed at the iconic Pepper Canister Church in the heart of Georgian Dublin, Imelda May invites friends and family to an Irish musical night celebrating Christmas, from traditional music to new sounds and voices.

Produced to celebrate the now legendary Grafton Street Christmas Eve Busk and shot in front of a live audience, the Sky Original features festive favourites like “The Wexford Carol” and “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” and sees Imelda May joined onstage by musicians Glen Hansard, Jack Lukeman, Loah, Hawke The Band and more.

The audience on the night comprised guests of honour from the Dublin Simon Community who were facing into another challenging and busy Christmas season. Their presence gave an authenticity to the programme that is palpable for viewers and the evening’s entertainment was underpinned by the central message of coming together in kindness at Christmas. Television with a purpose and a social conscience, not just another Christmas concert.


Nestled among the beautiful musical performances in the programme, Sharon Corr recites Patrick Kavanagh’s “A Christmas Childhood” while The Dubliners legend, John Sheahan, performs a self-penned poem that captures the magic of Christmas at home. Viewers are also treated to a very special rendition of the iconic “Marino Waltz” that sees John joined onstage by his daughter Ceoladh and Séamus and Caoimhe Uí Fhlatharta, as well as harpist Cormac de Barra. 

From the understated glamour of the staging and the set, to the candlelit musical performances brim-full of emotion - this unique programme dialled up the Christmas feeling for audiences at home.  


© 2019 Red Shoe Productions | Baile na nGall Mór, An Rinn, Dún Garbhán, Co. Port Láirge, X35 FC24 | +353 (0)58 46788 | Ireland  

Website Design by Clara Dudley
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